Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Away from our roots...

Living close to nature, be it a desert, a forest, the sea, or great prairies/savannas, is healing to the soul.  To be close to the earth, to feel it beneath the feet, to be connected.  Closeness, connectedness, a feeling of belonging.  So many of us struggle with those feeling those thoughts.  Yet out here, it seems so easy to find, even if a bit thorny at times...literally!

Why is it we got away from our tribal roots?  Even those of us from "Western Culture" are from the Vikings, Celts, Goths, Saxons, Franks, with some Greek, Roman, and Middle Eastern thrown in as well. (mine at least, lol!) If American, we might have Hispanic, African, Asian, and Native American (if not full blood of any) thrown in too...  We are  a multicultural melting pot, with tribal roots at all of our bases.

One of the easiest way to start restoring ourselves, away from the urban maddens, and getting back to our roots, is starting connecting to the land again.  How?
* Grow plants in windows.
* Work a a co-op/urban garden.
*Walk daily at a wild space or park.
*Vacation camping out in tents in the wilderness.
*Save up and buy land.

So many ways to start what one will you pick?

(Can you think of more?  If so, please comment below and share your ways of reconnecting!)

~ Morria

1 comment:

  1. Also try hiking anywhere with nature. Biking is good too, but your feet arent connected as much. Check any outside activity you can think of. Anything to get back outside.
